2024 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB24-1046 Child Welfare System Tools
Enhances audit safety and risk assessment child welfare system tools.
HB24-1122 Protection Orders for Victims and Crimes
Modifies the definitions and administrative process concerning domestic violence and associated civil protection orders.
HB24-1174 Concealed Carry Permits and Training
Requires all applicants seeking a concealed carry permit to have classroom and live-fire training that is offered by a certified instructor.
HB24-1225 First Degree Murder Bail and Jury Selection Statute
Would allow for people who are charged under first degree murder to not eligible for bail when proof is evident and presumption is great.
HB24-1256 Sunset Senior Dental Advisory Committee
Continues the Low-income Senior Dental Program for another five years. This bill will allow for low-income seniors to receive dental care.
HB24-1319 Fire Fighters License Plate Expiration on Transfer
Allows for people that have a special fire fighter plate to renew their plate if transferred on assignment or to another vehicle.
HB24-1327 Sunset Physical Therapist
Continues the regulation of physical therapists and physical therapy until September 1, 2035.
HB24-1349 Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax
If approved by voters in November 2024, will place and excise tax on firearms dealers, manufactures, and ammunition vendors that are engaged in the sale of firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition.
HB24-1354 Require Notification of Disease Pet Care Facility
Requires a pet care facility to notify pet animal owners within 24 hours after a suspected outbreak of an infectious disease if discovered at a pet care facility.
HB24-1437 Prohibit Flat Fees For Defending Indigent Clients
Ensures that a municipalities contract does not used fixed or flat fee payment structure for indigent defense services. The state instead shall use the same payment structure and rates that are paid by the state of Colorado.
HB24-1458 Create Division of Animal Welfare in Department of Agriculture
Allows for the creation of the animal welfare division in the Department of Agriculture.
HB24-1074 Aggravated Cruelty to Law Enforcement Animals
Aligned aggravated cruelty for law enforcement animals
HB24-1098 For Cause
Sets standards for non-renewals and ensures stable housing for renters
SB24-035 Strengthening Enforcement of Human Trafficking
Ensures that offenders who engage in human trafficking are held accountable and creates protections for victims.
SB24-003 Colorado Bureau of Investigation Authority to Investigate Firearms Crimes
Gives the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) the power and authority to investigate crimes relating to illegal firearm activity.
SB24-010 Dentist and Dental Hygienist Compact
Aims to address and facilitate the adoption of crucial standards in dental care.
SB24-011 Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking,
Implement measures that enhance protection from harm caused by the misuse of technology on dating websites and the unauthorized/nonconsensual use of remote tracking
SB24-193 Protect Tribal Lands From Unauthorized Annexation,
Makes any annexation near the border of reservation that is federally recognized invalid unless there is an ordinance or resolution approving of the annexation.
SB24-218 Modernize Energy Distribution System
Allows for the creation of an apprenticeship program in the Colorado energy office and ensures Colorado has the infrastructure to met our renewable goals
2023 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB23-1041 Prohibit Wagering On Simulcast Greyhound Races
Illegalized gambling on greyhound races outside of Colorado
HB23-1107 Crime Victim Services Funding
Provided funding for services for victims of crimes like domestic violence
HB23-1108 Victim And Survivor Training For Judicial Personnel
Create a task force to study the experience of domestic violence survivors in court and how the judicial process can be improved to reduce trauma for victims
HB23-1222 Cases Of Domestic Violence In Municipal Court
Required municipal courts to follow the Colorado Victim Rights Act when handling domestic violence cases
HB23-1286 Increase Penalty Cruelty Police And Service Animals
Increased monetary penalties for the offense of cruelty to animals for working animals
SB23-046 Average Weekly Wage Paid Leave Benefits
Required using a persons full recent employment history when calculating paid leave benefits
SB23-153 Sunset Revised Uniform Law On Notarial Acts
Codified recommendations around notary publics and the use of translators in such services
SB23-169 Increasing Minimum Age To Purchase Firearms
Increased the minimum age to purchase a firearm in Colorado
SB23-261 Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board
Created the direct care workforce stabilization board to develop recommendations regarding direct care workers
SB23-275 Colorado Wild Horse Project
Established the Colorado Wild Horse Project to support the management of wild horse herds in Colorado
SB23-292 Labor Requirements For Energy Sector Construction
Created a new category of public works project for the energy sector and requires them to follow Colorado’s prevailing wage law and apprenticeship utilization law to facilitate Colorado’s transition to green energy and provide an adequately trained workforce
2022 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB22-1259 Modifications to the Colorado Works Program
Improves how TANF serves families below the federal poverty level.
HB22-1273 Protections for Election Workers
Protects election workers & their families against doxing & threats
HB22-1230 Employment Support and Job Retention Services
Continues a proven program that supports low-income individuals looking for/maintaining a job.
HB22-1346 Electrician Plumber Licensing Apprentice Ratio
Improves workers' safety.
HB22-1349 Postsecondary Student Success Data System
Improves student success and decision making and creates an online dashboard.
HB22-1210 Sunset Domestic Violence Offender Management Board
Continues DV offender management board
SB22-183 Crime Victim Services
Backfill deficit in funding to continue having accessible services and resources for victims of crimes
SB22-219 Regulate Dental Therapists
Creates a licensing process for dental therapists which will improve access to dental care, especially in rural areas
SB22-150 Missing Murdered Indigenous Relatives
Creates an office of liaison and alert system to work on solving the crisis of extremely high rates of crimes against indigenous relatives
SB22-161 Wage Theft Employee Misclassification Enforcement
Provides more clarity to wage theft claims & ensures that workers can get their earned wages
SB22-100 Continue Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board
SB22-043 Restitution Services for Victims
Improves restitution services for victims to make sure they get what they are owed
SB22-167 Affirm Greyhounds as Companion Pets
Greyhounds will now be included in PACFA regulation, like every other breed since Colorado passed a law to eliminate greyhound racing in 2024
2022 Environmental Bills I co-sponsored:
SB22-193 Air Quality Improvement Investments
Improves the air quality throughout the state
SB22-230 Expand Water Resources Review Committee to Include Agriculture
SB22-007 Increase Wildfire Risk Mitigation Outreach Efforts
Provides an appropriation to increase outreach efforts to prevent wildfires before they happen.
HB22-1382 Support Dark Sky Designation and Promotion in Colorado
Encourages communities, parks, and protected areas to preserve Colorado's dark sky
HB22-1379 Wildfire Prevention Watershed Restoration Funding
Provides additional funding to certain natural resources in regards to wildfire prevention
HB22-1345 Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals
Increases protections for Coloradans against PFAS chemicals
HB22-1322 Water Quality Regulation
HB22-102 Wildfire Mitigation and Recovery
Will improve our forest and provide preventative action
2021 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB21-1102 Pet store Consumer Protection
Creates consumer protection measures that protect those looking to buy a cat or dog in the state by increasing transparency throughout the process.
HB21-1106 Safe Storage of Firearms
Requires that firearms are responsibly and securely stored when they are not in use to prevent access by unsupervised children and other unauthorized users. The bill also requires licensed gun dealers to provide a locking device capable of securing the firearm when selling them.
HB21-1160 Socially Conscious Sheltering
Specifies the standard of care that each animal shelter and pet animal rescue is required to provide each dog and cat held in its custody. The bill also allows an animal shelter and pet animal rescue to transfer each dog and cat in its custody only by adopting the animal out, returning the animal to its owner, or transferring the animal to another animal shelter or pet animal rescue
HB21-1165 Assistance for Victims of Strangulation
Creates necessary access to medical care in forensics examination for victims of strangulation. The bill grants access to those victims and provides support to them in whatever direction they choose to move forward in.
HB21-1167 Retainage Reform
Prohibits a property owner from withholding from a contractor more than 5% of the price of completed work to ensure the work is satisfactorily completed, bringing this into alignment with existing statute.
HB21-1255 Protection Order Firearm Relinquishment
Promotes compliance with state and federal firearms possession laws, in order to protect victims of domestic violence, their children and families. It lays out the framework for relinquishing firearms after being issues a protective order.
HB21-1288 Colorado Startup Loan Program
Helps support existing small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs to access capital needed to continue their growth. Throughout the pandemic many businesses had to close their doors or deal with unexpected gaps, specifically underrepresented communities. The bill helps provide the necessary funds to restart or reorganize after facing related financial challenges.
HB21-1319 Modification to Prevailing Wage Requirements
In 2019 the legislature passed Senate Bill 196, The Colorado Quality Apprenticeship Training Act. The goal of this legislation was to ensure that large state contracts adhered to apprenticeship training standards, and that wages were paid promptly and met prevailing standards.This bill’s implementation date was July 1st of this year, but because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the implementation date for this act must be pushed back, hence, this bill.
HB21-1218 Professional Fire Fighter License Plate Standards
Current law sets standards for organizations that may qualify applicants to be issued a Colorado professional fire fighters license plate. One of the qualifications is that the organization has been in existence for at least 20 years. The bill lowers this requirement to at least 15 years.
SB21-135 Exotic Animal Traveling Act
Prohibits the use of certain exotic animals in a traveling animal act. This bill protects animals that are often kept in terrible conditions.
SB21-158 Increase Medical Providers for Seniors
Incentivizes training and specialization in medical geriatric fields through a loan repayment program to make sure we have the medical providers we’ll need. The bill also focuses on areas with underserved communities like those in rural Colorado.
SB21-188 Ballot Access for Voters With Disabilities
Makes ballots more accessible for those with disabilities by expanding the already existing digital system for requesting a ballot. This bill creates the option to both request and submit a ballot electronically for individuals with disabilities that make it difficult for them to cast a traditional mail or paper ballot.
SB21-190 Data Privacy for Consumers
Protects consumers personal data by making sure there’s a reasonable and clear way for consumers to opt out of data collection for targeted advertising and data sale. This bill also honors businesses ability to continue to use data and current practices such as targeted advertising under new and improved guidelines. It also creates a universal opt-out option that will be available in a few years.
SB21-102 Dental Hygienists Treatments Sunset
Allows for the continued dental hygienist administration of minimal invasive therapeutic techniques.
SB21-292 Federal Funding for Victims Assistance
Allocates federal COVID-19 relief funding for victims assistance services and resources.
2020 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB20-1051 Identification Of Veteran Remains For Proper Military Burial
Permits veteran’s remains recovery organizations to determine whether any unclaimed cremated remains are of United States military veterans who are eligible for interment in a national cemetery or state veterans' cemetery.
HB20-1056 Nonsubstantive Reorganization Dental Practice Act
Reorganizes the Dental Practice Act, which includes the laws governing the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, and other procedures, tasks, and activities related to those practices.
HB20-1210 Sunset State Board Of Chiropractic Examiners
Continues the state board of chiropractic examiners and implements changes recommended by the Department of Regulatory Agencies.
SB20-029 Cost Of Living Adjustment For Colorado Works Program
Provides a one-time $500 payment to Colorado families receiving TANF, allowing those who are experiencing extreme poverty to receive additional money as soon as possible to meet their basic needs.
SB20-096 Remote Notaries Protect Privacy
Authorizes public notaries to provide services virtually. An Executive Order implemented by Governor Polis due to COVID-19 introduced this practice, and this bill allows consumers to access a remote notary option on a permanent basis.
SB20-170 Update Colorado Employment Security Act
Updates the Colorado Employment Security Act, including eliminating a requirement that survivors of domestic violence provide written documentation of abuse in order to access unemployment.
SB20-208 Extending Expiring Tax Check-offs
Extends several tax checkoff voluntary contribution programs, preserving funding for crucial services for our state.
2019 Legislative Session: Passed Bills
HB19-1288 Foster Youth Sibling Bill Of Rights
Concerning increasing protections to ensure foster youth siblings maintain sibling relationships by providing foster youth siblings with certain rights, and, in connection therewith, establishing the foster youth sibling bill of rights.
HB19-1086 Plumbing Inspections Ensure Compliance
Concerning the conduct of plumbing inspections to ensure compliance with the plumbing law.
HB19-1038 Dental Services For Pregnant Women On Children's Basic Health Plan Plus
Concerning dental services for pregnant women covered under the children's basic health plan, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB19-238 Improve Wages And Accountability Home Care Workers
Concerning home care agencies, and, in connection therewith, requiring certain agencies to expend a minimum percentage of their reimbursements from the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act" as wages for employees who provide direct care, requiring the department of health care policy and financing to enforce training requirements and request an increase to the reimbursement rate for certain services provided under the "Colorado Medical Assistance Act", and making an appropriation.
SB19-205 Honor Service Of Women Veterans
Concerning the creation of a license plate to honor women veterans of the United States armed forces, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB19-196 Colorado Quality Apprenticeship Training Act Of 2019
Concerning the modification of procurement requirements for state contracts for public projects.
SB19-188 FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program
Concerning the creation of a family and medical leave insurance program, and, in connection therewith, creating an implementation plan for a family and medical leave insurance program and making an appropriation.
SB19-167 Honor Colorado Professional Fire Fighters
Concerning the creation of a Colorado professional fire fighters license plate, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.
SB19-152 Sunset Public Safety Communications Subcommittee
Concerning the continuation of the public safety communications subcommittee, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations contained in the 2018 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.