October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Each year, millions of people throughout the United States are affected by Domestic Violence. As a survivor of domestic violence, I know firsthand the challenges many face and the stigmas that are fought. It took me years to overcome the challenges and obstacles to have my voice heard.
That is why I have always spearheaded legislation to support domestic violence survivors. I have been honored to work with advocates and organizations such as Porchlight, A Family Justice Center, Violence Free Colorado, Rose Andom, Safe House, and more. Last session, I passed two bills that will strengthen survivor rights and victim services. HB24-1349, which will, if approved by the voters in November, create a 6.5% excise tax on guns and ammunition, the funds from this tax will go to mental health services for at-risk you & veterans, crime victim services, and school safety. I also sponsored HB24-1122 which closed dangerous loopholes when it came to protection orders and other challenges that survivors face. I am committed to continuing to support and fight back against stigmas for domestic violence survivors.
This month is about spreading awareness about this epidemic and connecting those escaping their abusers with crucial services. If you need help in Colorado, call (800) 799-7233 or visit violencefreecolorado.org.