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"I will work hard to earn your support too."

- Monica Duran

"Monica has represented us on the Wheat Ridge City Council for the past two years. She has proven to us that she cares about the residents of our community and issues affecting us. She is knowledgeable, thoughtful and always acts with integrity. We trust Monica to do the right thing and know she will be a strong advocate for our community."

-Charlie Myers and Maureen Daly,

Wheat Ridge Residents


"We need a state representative who understands the struggles of women, people of color, our younger generations, senior, and working-class Coloradans. Monica Duran is that candidate." 

-Bernadette Medina and Leonard McBroom,

Arvada Residents


"In the 20 years we have known Monica, she has been an unwavering voice for our community. At the statehouse, Monica will make sure we are investing in our public schools, preparing our students to compete for the jobs of the future."

-Kelly and Chris Johnson,

Golden Residents


“Monica will challenge her colleagues and hold their feet to the fire when special interests are being weighed more heavily than the voices of the people they represent. Support for Monica will help our voices be heard."

- Donna Kimsey,

Wheat Ridge Planning Commission


"As a working mom, I appreciate that Monica will fight for our public schools and support women's issues. Monica's years of public service and dedication to our community make her the best candidate to bring our voices to the state legislature." 

- Shawn Bowman,

Golden Resident



"Monica Duran is a proven leader. She has worked hard to devote all she can to making sure our most vulnerable are not forgotten. I know Monica will be just as responsive and available to the constituents of HD-24 as she has been to her constituents of District 1 on Wheat Ridge City Council."

-Esther Noriega


"Monica Duran is the leader HD-24 needs. She’s always had to stand up for herself and what she believes in. Those life experiences have made her stronger and given her strength to stand up for the rest of us. She’s proven herself on the local level, the regional level, and now she’s ready to prove it on the State level.”

-Russell J. Lopez,

Wheat Ridge Resident and Veteran



"Monica up holds the values we consider paramount--conviction and honesty. Monica's dedication to our community and progressive values will only strengthen our district and she will be an excellent state representative."

- Mike and Ruth Betterton

Wheat Ridge Residents


I am honored to have these leaders standing with me

Colorado Voters for Animals

Congressman Ed Perlmutter

Sierra Club

Colorado WINS


Planned Parenthood

United Steel Workers

West Metro Fire Fighters Local 1309

One Colorado

JCEA (Jefferson County Education Association)

Colorado Dental Association

Colorado AFL-CIO

Colorado Professional Fire Fighters

 Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters

 Colorado State Association of Letter Carriers

Pipefitters Local 208 Union

Plumbers Local 3 Union

SEIU Local 105


United Auto Workers

Colorado Working Families Party

LiUNA! Local 720

The American Federation of Teachers

Communication Workers of America

Teamsters Local 455

SMART Transportation Division

Support Jeffco Kids

EMILY's List

Colorado BlueFlower Fund


Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition Action Fund

Colorado Ceasefire

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Never Again Colorado

The Herod Leadership Fund

LEAP Forward

Conservation Colorado

UFCW Local 7

Speaker Crisanta Duran

Speaker Pro Tem Jessie Danielson

State Rep. Leslie Herod

State Rep. Dafna Michaelson-Jenet

State Rep. Joe Salazar

State Rep. Edie Hooton

State Rep. Leslie Herod

State Rep. James Coleman

State Rep. Janet Buckner

State Rep. Barbara McLachlan

State Rep. Jovan Melton

State Rep. Donald Valdez

State Rep. Adrienne Benavidez

State Sen. Irene Aguilar

State Sen. John Kefalas

State Sen. Rhonda Fields

State Sen. Daniel Kagan

State Sen. Michael Merrifield

Hon. Ken Salazar

Hon. Dottie Lamm

Hon. Joan Fitz-Gerald

Hon. Betty Boyd

Hon. Gwyn Green

Hon. Polly Baca

Hon. Ruben Valdez

Hon. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst

Hon. Sandy Baca-Sandoval

Dr. Gail Schoettler

Tim Allport, Director- Arvada Fire Protection District

Irene Griego, CU Regent- CD7

Donna Kimsey, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission

Vivian Vos, Wheat Ridge Planning Commission

Dodie Dosh, Mountain View Council

Paul Lopez, Denver City Council

Chaz Tedesco, Adams County Commissioner

Shakti, Lakewood City Council

Rosemary Rodriguez, former City Councilor and School Board Member

Debbie Olander

Lorraine Bowen

Vicki Cowart

Jennie Peek-Dunstone

Grace Griego

Kathy Havens

Carrie Curtiss

Audrey Kline

Patricia Barela Rivera

Ron Gallegos

George Solorzano

Ruth Baranowski

Michael Betterton

Natalie Hook

Shawn Bowman

Marianne Storck

Ally Garcia

Susan Pinkney-Todd

Russell Lopez

Tiffany Caudill

Bob Lopez

Esther Noriega

Mark Bowman

Zachary Noriega

Kirsten Boyd

Doug Redosh

Bernadette Medina

Leonard McBroom

Charlie Myers

Maureen Daly

Kelly and Chris Johnson

Tay Anderson

Paid for by Duran for Colorado, Registered Agent: Monica Duran; and Monica PAC, Registered Agent: Monica Duran.


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